Thursday, 14 June 2012


Today, the education of the rather negligent members of the developed world begins. Who? You!

In Social Studies class, we focused on one unit all throughout the third term. This unit, which turned out to be one of my favorite discussion topics of the whole year, was titled Global Affairs. With every assignment, we had to look at issues and solutions through 3 different perspectives: Environment, Living Standards, and Population. These three are interconnected to the utmost - you cannot talk about either one without referring to the other two.
One of these assignments was to take notes on the video below, The Story of Stuff. If you have a spare 20 minutes, please watch it as it thoroughly explains the devastating effect of our never-ending consumer cycle on the environment, living standards, and population (mostly on the former two). Yes, the music is bad and the speaker might need a make-over, but the information is solid and picked at my brain. With this, I hope you might consider slowing down your own consumer cycle.

note: click on the YouTube button to watch on a larger screen.

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