Sunday, 24 June 2012

Opinion: Madagascar 3

Madagascar 3 - One Sheet PosterWe all know those movie series where the first one is just fine but the sequels go down the slippery slope of doom. Fortunately for us movie-goers, the Madagascar trilogy was not one of them. In fact, they may have even gotten better. The effort put into each film stayed consistent and the laughs carried through. For today's hilarious cinematic experience, I award Madagascar 3 a well-deserved 9.5/10.

Let's start of with the parts I didn't enjoy. There weren't any.
Alright, now to the positives of the film. The voice actors obviously retained their roles and did their part seamlessly; the length of the film was perfect and the soundtrack was well-fitted. Graphically, the movie was visually appealing, with astonishing attention to detail, bright colors, top-notch HD quality, and the best 3D effects I've seen.
In a comprehendible story line, new characters were introduced to the audience that did not make an appearance in the last two movies - a whole bunch of circus animals each with a distinct and equally comical personality, and a crazed French woman from Monte Carlo's Animal Control. These characters soon became the secondary protagonists and main antagonists. And, for the first time in movie history, a Russian was the good guy! What surprised me even more was when fun was poked at Russians, we laughed. But when Canadians were the butt of the joke, the theatre was silent.
The high-flying acrobatics dazzled the theatre's kids and adults alike. Likewise, each chase was conducted at break-neck speed, thus making them the funniest parts. However, it wasn't silly all throughout the movie, as witty humor was also injected into scenes to keep the critics satisfied. And satisfied they were - even Rotten Tomatoes, which gave Dear John a rating of 28%, scored Madagascar 3 an impressive 76%, the highest I have yet to come across on the website.
I'm thoroughly moved by the sweat, blood and tears the producers put into the movie, as it paid off better than expected. From time to time the improbable occurs: a sequel outdoes its original.

1 comment:

  1. I want to watch it now, it sounds really good. They even have a Russian human, crazy lady, and a circus! What else can i ask for? ^^
    The commercials were annoying though, every time i wanted to watch Dance in the Vampire Bund that same commercial would pop up Dx
