Sunday, 22 January 2012

Recipe for a Sunday

Sundays are my favorite day of the week. I finish all my work on Saturday and dedicate the whole Sunday to recharge, refresh and ready myself for the coming week. For a reglar Julia-style Sunday, you need to:

- laze around in bed until noon
- wear the most cozy clothes you can find and put your hair up in a loose bun
- turn on all the fireplaces and dim the lights
- take a leisurely stroll in the park with your dog
- brew Earl Grey tea and read a fantastic novel
- find out what's new on the web while lying on your stomach with your feet up in the air
- devour a box of expensive chocolates
- dance around the room like nobody's watching (because really, nobody is)
- curl up under a blanket and watch a movie you've been meaning to get to for a while

That right there is the definition of perfection.

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