Friday, 4 January 2013

This year, I will...

As millions of people in this world, I too have set up some New Year's resolutions. Along with the ones I go for every year (being a better friend, getting in shape, staying on top of my schoolwork, eating healthily, and generally being a better human), I have three fun resolutions this year.

1. Cook at least 1 new dish per week and blog about the experience.
2. Become ambidextrous!
3. Read 1 book per week (books over 400 pages are allowed 2 weeks).

I enjoy cooking, but am not very skilled at it, so I thought it was about time I learned how to make edible food. As for becoming ambidextrous, I have an urgent need for it - when I paint my nails, my right hand looks like it has been done by a monkey. Who is blind. And has no arms.
If I follow my third resolution, I will have read 50 books by the end of this year (with the occasional fluke). That would make more books than I have read in the last four years.

I plan to keep all my New Year's resolutions this year, even the regular ones! I'm tired of starting over so many times only to fail once again. Now it's sink or swim  >_<

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